Thesis II Week 4–5: Service touchpoints, MVPs, and survey

Hyelim Lim
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


I have been thinking that my preliminary research is not enough to make the product convincing. I had to clarify how to differentiate my product from competitors before jumping into creating prototypes.

Rethinking about the positioning of my product

IxDA 2021 conference, I attended two weeks ago, was a good opportunity to observe how the event is organized and how people interact virtually. To identify pain points and opportunity areas, I distributed the survey on IxDA slack channel. It’s difficult to gather lots of responses so I asked people to spread the survey to the other communities.

As I create the user journey and wireframing, I realized I neglected individual activities on a virtual event platform, even though I found people appreciate learning and self-development based on my user research. To define MVPs, I visualized key user actions in virtual events.

There would be two types of user testings: Individual activities and group activities. I started with testing individual tasks since I was not able to articulate what to test for group conversations.

I conducted a couple of user testings and get lots of feedback.

After user testing and reflecting feedback, I am thinking about other possibilities and pivot my approaches on the topic. It could be a dramatic change. Also, I should analyze and synthesize the survey and recruit people for further user testings.

